A Tremendous Surprise

Harvest has gone well in north central North Dakota – exceptionally well. As it turns out, the wheat crop did much better than expected, hovering between 70 and 90 bu/A. SY Soren and new SY Rowyn from AgriPro® were two of the better-yielding varieties this year.

It’s been a strangely amazing season – the cool weather that followed the season’s early rains was excellent for grain development, so much so that this is actually my second or third best year ever (the top season was 2012).

We won’t be planting any winter wheat crops this year, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done. We’ll continue a rotation of pinto beans and wheat, so we’ll spray glyphosate to eliminate weeds and follow up with some tillage later this fall.

What a season. I wonder if next year will be filled with equally pleasant surprises!